Vilém Flusser Residency for Artistic Research


Vilém Flusser Residency for Artistic Research

The Vilém Flusser Residency Programme for Artistic Research is part of transmediale’s reSource all year activities. The residency programme aims at creating a sustainable structure for feedback, research, and reflection, whose results will also influence the development of the yearly festival themes. With the residency programme, we are calling upon artistic research projects that actively explore the capabilities and limitations of transdisciplinary and transmedial situations in contemporary culture. We therefore understand artistic research as an exploration of the links between aesthetics, materiality, and politics. Read more

The Vilém Flusser Residency Program for Artistic Research is part of transmediale’s resource all-year activities. It supports knowledge production as the guiding principle for the concept of artistic research, a dialogue between different standpoints (science and art, laboratory and applied research, old and new media, local and global forms of organization).

For Vilém Flusser, theory and praxis were intrinsically tied to each other. His nomadic thinking was shaped by a philosophy of positions, experimental testing of different ways of thinking, and the linking of different disciplines and methodologies. Not the search for the truth but rather the experimenting with the aesthetic constitution of truth characterized his thinking, often developed in dialog with others.

With the residency program, transmediale and the Vilém Flusser Archive are calling upon artistic research projects that actively explore the capabilities and limitations of transdisciplinary and transmedial situations in contemporary culture. Artistic research is understood as an exploration of the links between aesthetics, materiality, and politics. The 2-months residency aims at supporting projects and works in different stages of development, from the first conceptual steps up to significant advancements of already existing projects.

The call for applications for the residency program is published every year in autumn. The residency takes place in the following year between May and July.

The residency program is a cooperation between the Vilém Flusser Archive at the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK) and transmediale, festival for art and digital culture Berlin. The Vilém Flusser Archive is located in the premises of the Institute of Time-Based Media and holds the literary remains of the cultural theorist Vilém Flusser. The archive is directed by professor Maren Hartmann and headed by the scientific supervisor Anita Jóri.


Artist in residence 2022: Georgina Voss

Artist in residence 2021: MELT (Loren Britton & Isabel Paehr)g

Artist in residence 2020: Pete Jiadong Qiang

Artist in residence 2019: Luiza Prado de O. Martins
The Councils of the Pluriversal: Affective Temporalities of Reproduction and Climate Change

Artists in residence 2018: Viktorija Šiaulytė and Marta Dauliūtė
Good Life

Artists in residence 2017: Demystification Committee
Offshore investigation vehicle

Artists in residence 2016: Morehshin Allahyari and Daniel Rourke

Artists in residence 2015: Valentina Karga and Pieterjan Grandry
Market for Immaterial Value

Artist in residence 2014: Rosemary Lee
Molten Media

Artist in residence 2013: Pinar Yoldas
An Ecosystem of Excess

Artist in residence 2012: Georgios Papadopoulos
Iconographies of the Drachma; Speculations on Symbolic Value